5 Fun and Amazing Facts About Carnations that You may not Have Known
Carnations are loaded with meanings and deep underlying significances. Every variety pertains to a specific color of carnation. Here are 5 of the most unique and intriguing facts about carnations – Carnations can be Eaten Carnations are devoid of any traces of poison, making them perfectly edible. From mashing the petals into a paste and spreading them on a dessert, to eating them raw, they are surprisingly great to taste. Packed with the sweet and spicy taste reminiscent of cloves, carnations are great for garnishing, seasoning, or just being eaten raw. Interchangeable Colors Carnations come in a variety of colors. From Red, yellow, white.. they are the colors that we know and love. These colors can however be changed through a three step process simple process. 1. Pour color into a glass of water 2. Dip the flower into it and wait for a few minutes 3. Take out the flower and let it dry The flower will take the color of the colored water that it was dipped into. Extended Longevi...